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Independent Domestic Violence Advocates


What is an IDVA?

This is a worker who provides support to victims of domestic violence who are at high risk of further abuse and living in Canterbury, Ashford, and Folkestone & Hythe.

How Can They Help?

IDVAs provide specialist support at point of crisis, discussing options, offering impartial adivce and generally being there every step of the way. They ensure the victim’s voice is heard and their wishes are being heeded

Her role is to ensure the safety of the victim and any children by providing practical and emotional support from the first report to the police or other agency, through the court process and beyond. She also co-ordinates the work of statutory and non-statutory agencies such as police, refuge, health service, schools and victim support.

She is responsible for providing reports to the Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC), and for ensuring that its recommendations are implemented.

95% of those helped by our IDVAs felt their lives were now safer with a significant reduction in risk

Support is given by telephone, meeting up or at one of our weekly One Stop Shops.