
Rising Sun supports adults and children affected by domestic abuse in Canterbury, Ashford and Folkestone & Hythe. We support survivors through every step of removing abuse from their lives and improving their safety.

Please find below the referral process for:

  • Adults (anyone aged 25 and above)
  • Children & Young People (anyone aged between 5-24)
  • Liberty House Supported Accommodation (young women aged 16-24)

Make a referral


Adult referral

A referral can be made for anyone aged 25 and above, living in Canterbury, Ashford or Folkestone & Hythe by:

  • Survivor-victim
  • A professional agency

Children & Young People Referral

A referral can be made for anyone aged 5-24, living in Canterbury, Ashford or Folkestone & Hythe by:

  • A parent or legal guardian
  • A professional agency
  • A school

Liberty House Referral

A Liberty House referral can be made for young women aged 16-24, who are at risk of homelessness by:

  • Survivor-victim
  • A professional agency

Other useful contacts

At Rising Sun, we provide specialist domestic abuse support to all victim-survivors across Canterbury, Ashford and Folkestone & Hythe.

We recognise however, that you may wish to be supported by a charity that you identify with better. There are also many organisations and charities that can help you along your journey to recovery, alongside our support.

We’ve put together a list of other contacts that you may find useful.