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Our Services

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We aim to help individuals make their own choices, regain their freedom and take control of their lives. We provide a range of services for adults and children who have experienced domestic abuse.

One Stop Shops

Free advice, information and support from a range of agencies all under one roof in order to help victims of domestic abuse. Open to anyone affected by abuse, men or women, no appointment is required.

Support for Adults

We provide individual support and group programmes for women who have experienced domestic abuse.

Support for Children and Young People

We provide individual support and group programmes for children and young people who have witnessed domestic abuse. Click here for information about our children’s services and here for information about our young people’s services.

Make a Referral

If you are a resident in the Ashford, Canterbury or Folkestone & Hythe Districts you can make a self-referral for support, or you can make a referral for someone else.

Further Support

For information about a range of organisations that we trust and believe do great work. We can help point you in the direction of the charity or organisation that is best able to help you.